Document Library

The following documents are available for your information…

School Review Report for School Community 2024 Student Wellbeing and Engagement Policy 2024-2026 Statement of Values and School Philosphy 2024-2027
School Strategic Plan 2024-2028 Expected Behaviours 2024-2025 CORE Values 2024-2025
Annual Implementation Plan 2024 Behaviour Chart 2024-2025 Respect for School Staff Policy 2024-2026
Annual Report to the School Community 2023-2024 Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy 2024-2026 Communications with School Staff Policy 2024-2026
Curriculum Framework Policy 2024-2026 Child Safety Respond and Report Oblig Policy 2023-2025 Complaints Policy 2023-2025
Wellbeing and Engagement Handbook 2024 Child Safety Code of Conduct Policy 2023-2025 Inclusion and Diversity Policy 2024-2026
Teaching & Learning Handbook 2024 Duty of Care Policy 2023-2027 Bullying Prevention Policy 2024-2026
Writing Model First Aid Policy 2023-2027 Yard Duty Supervision Policy 2023-2025
Reading Model Anaphylaxis Policy 2024-2025

Camps and Excursions Policy 2023-2027

Numeracy Model Asthma Policy 2023-2024

Visitors Policy 2024-2026

Essential Learning Statements for Maths SunSmart Sun Protection Policy 2024-2026 Volunteers Policy 2024-2026
Student-Leadership-Policy 2024-2026 Administration of Medication Policy 2024-2027 Aboriginal Learning Wellbeing and Safety Action Plan 2024-2026
Attendance Policy 2024-2027 Mobile Phone Policy 2024 – 2026

Health-Care-Needs Policy 2023-2027

Digital Learning Policy 2023-2025 SPS P-6 Parent Contribution Requests SPS P-6 Booklist Examples